29 January 2014

Fieldwork in Salling

The “Neoculturation of life-modes”-project was given a 2014-kick-start with a joint fieldwork. The group behind the “Neoculturation of life-modes”-project, Thomas Højrup, Niels Jul Nielsen, Jeppe Høst and Sigrid Leilund visited the region of Salling in Northern Jutland.

This region was the offset for the first life-mode analysis in the late 1970s. Back then the region served as the geographical framework for investigating the different ways of life that could be found within urban and rural communities in Denmark. Now, 35 years later, we returned to Salling to ask ourselves how we can conduct a similar inquiry into the modes of living in a Danish society, but now altered irrevocably by globalisation. Can a single and provincial Danish region be sufficient for a complete study, as it was 30 years ago? If not, what geographical framework should then be chosen as appropriate?  

Read Sigrid Leilunds full presentation (in Danish) of the fieldwork trip here.